Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 16

I'm now 30 weeks pregnant! woohoo!!!

Dr. Tan told us last Friday that they could release me from the hospital on Monday (yesterday) if I continued to respond well to bedrest over the weekend! My BP readings were steady all weekend long and below the preeclampsia range. However, there was still higher than normal traces of protein in my urine, but she felt comfortable enough to release me and continue the bedrest at home (with strict instructions of course).

So I'm now back at home as of yesterday evening! Tom is now officially my 24-hour nurse! I'm still on bedrest and only have bathroom privileges. :( But at least I get to be at home now! We still have to monitor and record my BP 4-6 times a day. If either or both my systolic and diastolic readings reach > 150/90 we have to call Dr. Tan immediately and I could be re-admitted to the hospital. We are also suppose to call Dr. Tan directly if other signs of preeclampsia symptoms arise like persistent headaches, blurry vision, swelling, epigastric pain or if I start to feel any contractions or start bleeding. From here on until I deliver the baby, I have 2 hospital appointments each week every Monday & Thursday for blood work and Non-Stress Test (NST) to monitor the baby's heartbeat and activity. On one of these appointments (every Monday), Dr. Tan will see me for an update on all the lab work and our BP recordings. I also have to do a weekly 24-hour urine collection that we (or actually Tom) will have to drop off to the hospital lab for analysis. This sounds tiring already, I know...but we'll get through it and everything will be ok!

When I got home last night, I realized that there is so much to do before the baby comes! We need to clean out the guest room (soon-to-be the baby's room), which currently stores a bunch of our junk and a lot of dust, but Tom assured me that he will take care of everything! In fact, he's starting to clean out the baby's room right now! He's been a real trooper!

Tom really has been super husband these days! He's my #1 nurse! He's been really patient with me too when I get cranky and hormonal specially since I've been on bedrest. One of our friends got married over the weekend (Tom was one of the groomsmen) and of course I missed the whole event, but he was super sweet and brought me back a wedding cupcake and told me all about the entire day!

1 comment:

Anh Seidler said...

Hi Christine,

I am glad to hear that you and the baby are doing well. I know how hard it's to be pregnant but hang on. After the baby arrives, you will not even remember the hardship.

If you get bored, give me a call at 408-806-2405. The kids and I will come and keep you company.
