Thursday, August 9, 2007

Epidural Time

Dr. Tan stopped by around lunch and at around 6:00pm and Oked the epidural. Christine's not quite dialated to the 4cm mark yet so looks like we've got a ways to go. From what I hear the first 4cm are the toughest and from there it's about 1cm an hour 'till whenver. I guess contractions really hurt because she doesn't like my jokes :) she just tells me to shush.

She tooks some narcotics through the IV that helped the pain however they were short term fixes that lasted about an hour. Geez preganancy is tough because she's been vomiting and just not feeling well at all.

So to ease the pain she's going the natural US route via epidural. Hey if they got it then use it. So now her BP has dropped from the 150-160s to the 120s after the epidural and she's not feeling pain. Hopefully she can get some rest for the main event, according to the doctors once the epi is applied then it will last throughout the labor.

As for me, I've had a large coffee and I'm working on a Venti Latte to make it through the next step. The video camera is ready to go and the elph has batteries...

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