Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 3 in the Hospital (continued)

We were hoping that the doctors would be releasing me today and let me continue the bedrest at home since my BP has stabilized (recent readings these past couple of days have been in the 120s-130s/70s-80s. However, they decided it would be best to keep me here so they can keep a close eye on me and the baby in case my condition takes a different turn. The nurses check my blood pressure every 4 hours and monitor any possible contractions along with baby's movement and heartbeat every 8 hours for 1 hour. As you can see in the picture that Tom posted above, they've attached "leg warmers" (as Tom calls it), which is actually a device that regulates blood circulation in my legs to prevent blood clotting since I'm lying down practically the entire day! I can only get up to go the bathroom and if I'm lucky and my vital signs are okay they allow me to take a shower!

It's actually not that bad being here in the hospital. I admit, it sucks being confined in the hospital bed, but it's what's best for the baby! Being confined in this bed is the only way we can make his environment suitable for him to stay in my womb as long as possible. We understand that the doctors are just taking all extra precautions and we're in good hands! They have injected me with 2 steriod shots to speed up the baby's lung development in case we need to deliver the baby early. Dr. Tan tell us that 1 day spent in the hospital equals to 1 week less the time the baby needs to be in the hospital if ever he comes early. So, we're taking it 1 day at a time.

I've been keeping myself busy by reading the magazines and books that some of you have given me during your visit! (Thank you so much!). I have a TV, DVD player and internet access too! So, it's not that bad at all! I have plenty to do!

Hospital food is okay. The portions are adequate, but like I's okay! It's kind of like airplane food, but maybe 1 notch below airplane food. It's not that bad, but I know I'll probably get tired of it by next week after I've tried everything in the menu. Tom has been a very good husband and daddy-to-be and he has been bringing me food from home! Today he made some steamed vegetables, fish and some eggplant omelette (filipino style w/o the salt). Tomorrow he said he'll bring me salad and pepper steak! Yumm...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hang in there guys! You are in our prayers.

-Wil, Cathy, and Tyler